Kellogg’s® LCMs® Exciting Facts app gives parents a fact a day to use on LCMs® Write on Wrappers and really make lunchtime fun for their kids.
Write on Wrappers allow mums and dads to write messages for their kids directly onto the LCMs® wrapper using a standard pen or marker.
But when ‘love you’ messages from mum or corny jokes from dad run dry, LCMs® Exciting Facts app steps in.
Picture your child’s eyes light up when they open their lunchbox to discover that scientists in Japan have created an invisibility cloak, or that cockroaches can live for a week without their head! Do you need to remind your darlings to drink their water by telling them that it makes up about 66% of the human body?
The LCMs® Exciting Facts app gives your kids something to smile about each lunchtime with educational and fun facts that they can share with their friends.
The app is easy to use and lets you choose from six categories according to your children’s interests:
• World Around Us – ‘In Cambodia they eat deep fried tarantula’
• Animals – ‘Octopuses have three hearts’
• Silly – ‘A 5000-year-old piece of chewing gum was found in Finland’
• History – ‘Australia’s first prime minister was Edmund Barton’
• Human body – ‘The nail on your middle finger grows quickest’
• Sport – ‘In 2009 a black belt in martial arts smashed 16 blocks of ice with his hand’
If your child has a thirst for knowledge and loves to laugh, Kellogg’s® LCMs® Exciting Facts app is your way to start the day.
Key features:
• A fact of the day is automatically sent you to at 7am each morning – or a time of your choosing
• Facts are grouped into six child-friendly categories
• You choose the categories your child is interested in
• Over 250 exciting facts in our database
• A ‘My favourites’ folder helps you keep track of the facts your kids love
• Free to download
• No in-app purchases or ads
• Appropriate content for young children
• Easy to use interface
LCMs® Exciting Facts app is available for iPod Touch, iPhone , iPad and iPad Mini.
LCMs® are a delicious snack made from puffed that kids love. With lots of varieties and flavours to choose from, LCMs® are the sure-fire lunchbox hit.